So, what is that spikey thing?

What is it? Why is it important?

The Logo is a design I came up with when i was 20 years old. It was a tattoo idea that I loved and I designed it myself. The logo contains the letters of my last name designed into a single symbol.

T - This one is easy to spot, its the spine of the image and the top.

E - Also easier to spot, though there are two of them. This is the center of the symbol.

G - Lives in the top of the central E.

G - Lives in the bottom of the central E.

E - The very bottom of the Logo, the only letter not standing upright.

I've got this tattooed on my left arm, it goes with me everywhere. So why is it important? To you, it most likely isn't. To me it represents family. My father (rest in peace) was adopted as a baby by my grandparents, Patricia and Lloyd Tegge (rest in peace). His birth mother gave him up for adoption while his birth father was on base in the military and entirely unaware. When I was twelve my dad's birth father found him and reached out. This began a whole saga of his life and his eventual permanent move from Wisconsin where I grew up to Washington where that side of the family lived. The Hand family is a great bunch of people and I may well design a tattoo for them too, but Tegge is the name I grew up with, was often called by, and grew to identify with completely.

This identification, pride, and love for the name and the family drove me to make this a tattoo, and later my logo. What better way to honor those who have passed than to eternalize the name and to wear it as a symbol of pride in who they were, and who I am.

(Fun fact, this image is derived directly from a photo of the tattoo on my arm! Check it out below.)

Tattoo, Tegge, Writer

Looks cool, right?